Wednesday, September 13, 2006

It's Show Time!


I've just been to the Royal Melbourne Show Grounds to hand in my needlepoint entries! I'm going to volunteer next year if I have to. Everyone HAS to go to the Show this year as they have just spent millions on renovations and the place looks fantastic.

It was such fun going into the Arts and Craft Pavillion and handing my pieces over and seeing all the other entries. When I was there there were some ladies handing in their fruit cakes, quilts and even one very talented gentleman who had crocheted the most astonishingly lovely christening gown.

I have a bit of family history with my Grandmother winning first prize in the pastel drawing section when she was 12 and my Grandfather with first prize for weaving in his 30's. So we'll see how it all goes!

Oh my goodness - I'm contemplating becoming a member!

P.S. Don't forget the Woodchop Competition... How good is the Woodchop Competition!!... So Excited!

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