Saturday, October 25, 2008


Just to let you all know out there why I haven't been the worlds best blogger of late... I have been writing a book. It's a craft book on cross stitch and it has seriously taken every spare second of my creativity for the past so many months. It has finally gone to the printer and will be out in the US through Barnes and Noble in around April. Phew!

It was a really big project with a lot to be done in a very short space of time. A lot of stitching and sewing and trail and error but all for the best. I've very interested to see how it will be when it comes out.. So stay tuned.

Now back to blogging!

I have a lot to catch up on and share with you all.


Average Jane Crafter said...

Congrats! I'm so excited to see a new book on cross stitch - can't wait! :)


Melin said...

Well done Miss Woolly! Can't wait. You are amazing. xoxo

Amy Prior said...

Congratulations that is very exciting !

Anonymous said...

Go Woolly! Congrats!