Friday, August 04, 2006

Thank you Greta.

This gorgeous necklace arrived in the post for me from Montese, Italy, last week. It's was made by Greta's mum and only 3 exist, so I am very grateful. It's beautiful and I love the fact that it's blue. I'm looking forward to summer days and sundresses so I can wear it. Hopefully that's very soon.

Caro Great,
Come stai? Come'e' Londra? Da noi tutto va bene. Fa molto freddo, non come quando tu sei stata qui durante Natale.
Ringrazia moltissimo tua momma per la bella collarina

Baci e abbracci,
m x

(ps. thank you to Barbara for helping me with my Italian...I hope I got it right. There'll be big trouble if not!)


Anonymous said...

brava ladle!!
abbracci x

Anonymous said...

grazie ladlina x

Anonymous said...

Hi Melinda!
I'm glad you like it..and I'm going to tell my mum as soon as I speak with her, she will be really happy and surprised to see her creation on the web! Here in London everything is fine, I'm going to school 3 hours every day monday to friday and I meet Polly quite often..and can't wait to see Emilia...!! Looking forward to see you soon! Lots of love Greta