How great is this little collection! I especially love the Abraham Lincoln portrait... and the creepy clown.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Today on Ebay
Posted by
Miss Woolly
Girard Cushions
Maximo has new reissued Alexander Girard printed textiles!
Posted by
Miss Woolly
In the Paper!
My brooches are in the paper today, which is something nice to wake up to! It's also my brothers 30th Birthday. So Happy Birthday to Justin in Sydney. I had better pop down to the corner store and grab a copy or two..
Posted by
Miss Woolly
Friday, December 21, 2007
One of my favourite illustrators ever - Laurie Rosenworld.
Posted by
Miss Woolly
katrin sonnleitner
I was forwarded this link to Katrin's site by my nearest and dearest. You have to check out (under Projects) the 'Puzzle Perser' modular flooring. Another 'I can't believe I didn't think of that' project..
Posted by
Miss Woolly
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Bee Brooch
I've made a little Bee brooch for sale in the store. I'm going to be posting others as soon as they are completed. I'll also have a new cross stitch chart available for sale in the next week as well. It's a funny one that was illustrated by a good friend. Hopefully this collaboration will bring about more in 2008.
Posted by
Miss Woolly
Monday, December 17, 2007
Taking inspiration from my previous post with the dancing cross stitch I've been wondering around the internet and found out more about my new obsession - Wycinanki (pronounced Vee-chee-non-key) otherwise known as Polish paper cuts. I'm in love with the colours and everything about them. Now I just have to get my hands on some...
Posted by
Miss Woolly
Friday, December 14, 2007
I was given this lovely (I think it's Dutch) cross stitch book by the my fantastic co worker Elise. I think it's from the 70's, possibly 60's and I'm very lucky to have it. She found it intact at an op shop with all these other loose leaf bits and bobs inside. I'm planning on doing one of the projects in the book over summer. So lets see how i go with that...I'm not going to promise anything. But it is definitely an aim!
Posted by
Miss Woolly
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
What I have been up to lately..
Well... besides neglecting this blog a bit I've been making brooches that have headed up to Pink Inc in Braddon,Canberra. This as well as looking at possible projects for the impending baby Bey.. and the long awaited birthday present owed to Jane. I had best get to work!
Posted by
Miss Woolly
This is quite an old piece that I'm looking to complete this summer.I'm not sure how I found it and I'm lucky to find that it has a completed edging. So it's all now down to the colours to do it in... I shall keep you all posted with the results.
Posted by
Miss Woolly
Monday, December 10, 2007
Atelier Lzc
Love, love, love all this stuff by Atelier Lzc from France. You can purchase their work, which includes a huge assortment of products from tea towels to stickers at many online stores, like Figments.
Posted by
Miss Woolly
Bird Magnet
Very cute bird paper clip magnet fron Russell and Hazel
Posted by
Miss Woolly
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
How beautiful is Bertha
Too funny, this is exactly what I think a Bertha would look like, and now you can make her your own. Bertha is the work of Artist Sarah Young the organiser of the Brighton Craft Fair and Brighton Art Fair (UK). This is a tea towel that you can sew into your own doll. You can get hold of Bertha here and view more of Sarah's amazing work here and on her blog here.
Posted by
Miss Woolly